Computer Systems

When you get a custom computer from Apollo Computer Internet Services, you’re getting a computer built for your needs.It can be for your business or personal needs, and the bonus to this is that your system will always be upgradable. Most name brand systems will void your warranty with them if you tamper or open the case. With us we’ll make sure your upgradable beyond your current hardware. We provide you with your own copy of Windows 10 or 11, Office Package with Microsoft 365 or a free office suite and virus protection. You can of course request whatever software you’d like installed and we will take care of it. Please check with our sales staff at: or call 443-991-3655 or for faster service click on the Facebook Messenger icon.

We can help you choose what laptop best fits your needs and help you set it up and get you moving fast. When it comes to Laptops we are mostly a buying agent we don’t currently service laptop units. But we will be changing that in the future. This doesn’t mean we can not offer tech support for such problems as connecting your printer or wireless router to your laptop unit.

There are many benefits to owning your own Media Server from streaming music & videos from anywhere in your home using a single computer and any Smart TV and other streaming systems. A popular software many people use these days is called PLEX. Our team is very experienced with PLEX and can help you setup & configure it anyway you needask one of our sales people about it.

There are many benefits to having a file server putting your information on a file server. That can then be told to backup your data up to a cloud server or else where on the file server. It’s a handy thing to have, our staff can help you choose the right design for your business needs and get you started right away.